Top Five Benefits of Working From Home

Productivity Techniques For Working at Home

Best Books To Read For Your Finances

Inflation Explained: How to Measure Inflation

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4 Financial Coping Mechanisms for the COVID-19 Pandemic

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Americans are now unsure if they can meet their essential needs for the coming months. This crisis has brought about sweeping changes in our day-to-day lives, not to mention our economy. Hundreds of businesses...

4 Dangerous Financial Traps to Avoid During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The worldwide pandemic has made millions of American’s financial health much more complicated. We’re seeing people struggle due to loss of income as the pandemic caused their companies to lay them off or reduce their hours. These things are happening...

4 Ways to Protect Your Finances During the Pandemic Season

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed our day to day lives in ways that have never been seen before. We are now on one of the longest periods in recent history wherein people are forced to work from home –...

6 Side Hustles You Can Do While Working From Home

  There’s still no end in sight for the COVID-19 pandemic, and with the US unemployment rate reaching record-high levels, it’s no surprise that many people are turning to side hustles in order to earn more money during the health...

Good Reads

4 Simple Ways To Save Money During A Pandemic

As of April 2020, over 2 million people worldwide have already been affected by the new coronavirus disease 2019, also known as COVID-19. People from all over the world are dealing with nationwide lockdowns, community quarantine protocols, and other rules...

How to avoid getting burned by devastating financial malpractice

Modern advancements have made great strides in many sectors of society currently, but one of the most consequential is the extension of expected lifespans. Medical advancements as well as expanded access to nutritious food and clean water globally means that...

Turkey turmoiling lira plunges to record low

The currency of Turkey the lira which was introduced in 1844 and over this period it has seen many ups and downs. Once again, the Turkish lira is now dropping to all-time lows against the dollar. There are many contributing...

Basic Economics Is Causing Large Problems As Wal-Mart Raises Minimum Wage

It seems that Walmart is being forced to cut hours as part of a desperate attempt to cover the wage hike this year. We all remember how people who were working low paid service jobs marched in a bid to...