Geoffrey Algar


The Great Resignation: What Is It and Why Is IT Happening

Over the course of three months, starting from April until June, the American labor market experienced an all-time high in terms of resignations. And it hasn’t stopped: just last August, this rate has once again reached an all-time high, with...

5 Economic Sectors You Should Consider Investing In Next Year

The pandemic has rocked the world economy in a bad way, and we’re bound to feel the effects of this debilitating pandemic ripple through the years. However, there’s cause for hope. As some economic sectors sink below their average threshold,...

4 Dangerous Financial Traps to Avoid During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The worldwide pandemic has made millions of American’s financial health much more complicated. We’re seeing people struggle due to loss of income as the pandemic caused their companies to lay them off or reduce their hours. These things are happening...

Top 5 Books Every New Entrepreneur Should Read

  Are you an up and coming businessman who’s looking to gain a fresh perspective on life? These are the top 5 books every new entrepreneur should read! The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life...

US Unemployment Rate Hits Record-High Due To COVID-19

If you think the world is properly handling this COVID-19 pandemic well, think again. Even the United States of America, one of the most powerful nations on the planet, has been having a hard time dealing with the effects of...

4 Financial Disasters You Need To Prepare For

These days, it’s definitely a must to have an emergency fund stashed somewhere in case things go wrong. And if there’s one thing we learned in life, it’s that things can always go wrong – and you need to have...

5 Skills You Need To Become Wealthy

We all want to learn the secrets of the rich, but the truth is, most of their secrets aren’t really as ‘secret’ as we think. In fact, here are 5 not-so-secret skills you need if you want to become wealthy!...

Why You Should Invest In The Stock Market

One of the secrets of the wealthy and successful is that they never keep their money sleeping in a bank somewhere. Unlike most people, they always let their money work for them by investing in businesses, properties, or stocks of...

3 Tricks To Managing Your Finances

Learning to manage your finances is an important part of wealth creation. In order to become wealthy, you not only have to know how to make money – you also have to learn how to keep it. Not sure where...

3 Reasons Why You Should Invest In Real Estate

Investing in real estate may be quite risky, but it’s also one of the best investments you can ever make in your life. Not sure whether to take the plunge or not? Here are three good reasons why you should...

Top Five Business Empires

There are numerous entrepreneurial visionaries across the globe who built amazing and fruitful business empires from a little bit of money. Many of these people who accumulated great fortunes and empires started out humbly. Some of these smart investors and...

Tell Your Kids How Much You Earn

Many parents do not like to disclose the amount they make to their children. They think that the kids can disclose this to other members of the society which may have some negative impacts. When your kids become of age,...

3 Money Mistakes You Must Fix to Get Rich

The number of wealthy people is currently on the rise across the world. Most rich people will always advise you to spend little, save a lot, and invest a lot. But when you try to implement these simple tips, you...

7 Legitimate Ways to Make Money at Home

Finding ways to make ends meet can be very challenging for many people. Costs keep increasing and wages have not always increased in accordance with these cost increases. Many people try to make additional supplemental income while staying at home...

These are the Highest Paying Jobs in America

The United States has a large amount of high paying jobs but it is not always easy to get there, competition is often fierce in these markets and areas. It will come as not shock to many that some of...

China contagion: How it ripples across the world

It was reported this week that producer prices in China have been falling for almost two and a half years. This would not be alarming for the United Staes if China’s producer prices have consistently been a predictor of recession...

How to avoid getting burned by devastating financial malpractice

Modern advancements have made great strides in many sectors of society currently, but one of the most consequential is the extension of expected lifespans. Medical advancements as well as expanded access to nutritious food and clean water globally means that...

Building Your Business Empire by Attending Live Events

In order to establish a business, there are certain things that must be done, such as the creation of a solid business structure, acquiring adequate resources and acquiring reliable staff – even if you are the only employee. These things...

Republic Wireless Giveaway Phone Service

Republic Wireless is having a smashing giveaway that offers consumers the opportunity to win a phone with three months of service. But wait! That’s not all. The company is currently doing a price plan makeover that gives its customers the...